The Chatty Penguin’s Weblog

Rockhopper and the Fall Fair3! by Nepoleon III

Hey everybody! Rockhopper AND the Fall Fair(The third one, and I’ve been around to seem them all!) is in town! Lots of fun games, no new ones (I think) but, the Spin the Wheel Game is gone (You might recall that last year a bunch of penguins figured out how to hack it. Some call it a ‘glitch’, but it’s still hacking and cheating). Ahhh well…there’s still a bunch of fun stuff and the new Great Puffle Circus!

Here’s the member room. Exact same as last year.

member room

Now here’s the other Member Room, the Puffle Circus.

puffle circuc

Here’s the prizes for members:

member prizes

Club Penguin brought back two old prizes, the Teddy Bear from last year and the Tiara from the First Fall Fair. Ahh, those were the days!

And lastly, here’s the ‘everybody’ prizes:


Here’s Rockhopper’s Rare Treasures, too.

rockhoppers rare treasures

Well, that’s all I have for you today!

Keep On Waddlin’!

The Chatty Penguin

Nepoleon III